How to Attract and Recruit Millennial Nurses

Pew Research Center says that millennials are now the largest generation in the American workforce. That’s now more than one in three people in today’s job market born between the years 1981 to 1996. They’re having a significant impact on nursing, like all fields, and recruiters should pay attention to their efforts to recruit this population. Here’s what you need to know to recruit and retain millennial nurses.

How are Millennials Different? points out the obvious fact that, “With large numbers of older workers retiring and nurses in high demand, nurse recruiters, hospital administrators, and others involved in the hiring process must be proactive to attract younger millennial workers.”

Millennials are the digital natives; the first population having grown up with handheld digital technologies and social media. That makes the characteristics this generation exhibits a little different from prior populations. For example, millennials typically:

  • Are eager to share ideas
  • Have comfort with digital tools
  • Want to advance in their careers quickly
  • Are excellent multitaskers
  • Will be quick to leave if a job doesn’t suit their needs
  • Are less likely to be money-motivated
  • Rank their personal life as highly as their career

How can a clinical organization turn the wants, needs and priorities of millennials into a recruiting strategy that attracts this talent?

Recruiting the Millennial Nurse

Many of these young nurses leave school with high debt. Organizations offering loan forgiveness should definitely promote this benefit. Other perks are important, such as tuition assistance, childcare help and a solid set of health insurance benefits.

This population also recognizes the need for work-life balance. They aren’t just working for the paycheck, and instead, want happy and fulfilling work and lives. Employers should be aware of how important flextime is to this generation as well as benefits like access to a fitness center or other wellness tools to help them maintain that balance.

For hospitals, offering a residency program is important. New millennial nurses coming out with a BSN are seeking residency as the next step. They understand the importance of on-the-job mentoring and appreciate the investment employers are putting into these candidates.

Millennials also want to be part of a collaborative culture, so emphasizing that your organization has a structure in place not only to mentor but to build teams, will be attractive to these candidates.

To reach this target audience, employers should communicate with them in the venues they’re most comfortable, including smartphones and social media. Sharing stories of other millennial nurses having fun on the job on social is a good way to get the attention of these candidates. Also making certain your website is responsive – meaning it translates well to the smartphone, is important. Not only does Pew Research Center say most Americans own smartphones, but the biggest adoption rates are also, of course, in the millennial population. This has drastically impacted the application process in all business sectors – including healthcare.

One last tip: Promote tech in your hospital or nursing facility. Millennial nurses are attracted by the bright and shiny technology objects you use in a clinical setting. Try emphasizing the latest technological innovation in your social media posts as a way to attract more talent.

Speaking of attracting nursing talent, National Recruiters has the most experienced and productive talent team standing by to support your goals. Contact us to find out more.

2 thoughts on “How to Attract and Recruit Millennial Nurses

  1. This is some really good information about attracting nurses to your hospital. I liked that you pointed out that you should think about offering residency programs. That does seem like a good thing to be aware of when you need to get more young nurses.

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